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The Chinese Paradigm

For over a decade now I have started to learn towards the ideologies of individualism and decentralised systems. In some ways, I am also in support of the purest form of communism that I know can’t exist in our world with the current stage of human evolution where morals and respect have faded away with many in societies all around the world.

Humans, are innately selfish at the very core. Therefore having a selfless system of power that’s decentralised and focuses around the community and the betterment of the individuals is impossible in our world right now.

We have been conditioned for many decades to blame communism for almost everything that has gone wrong in the world; humans really do have narrow and conditioned lenses as a whole. Evidence of this can be seen by looking at Marxism, which is a Socialist led system that utilises and twists the very fabric of what communism is to achieve community cohesion and collectivism through a socialist state.

People are conditioned to only see the secondary system running in tandem with it, not the primary system. Therefore, all instances of a Socialist led system with Communism running in tandem with it, communism is always blamed and labelled as the greatest evil in the world. People lack the critical thinking to even ask themselves the basic question as to why this keeps happening; instead they are taught to just accept the false view that all communism is inherently evil whilst Socialism is the champion of free societies.

The same can be said with all the bankrupted countries who’s economies crashed and all prices were super inflated. People mention Socialism, though, that’s quickly quashed and the Capitalist market system is to blame instead and corruption in the government.

There are instances where it’s called failed Socialism, and all the blame is thrown at the government in that country for why such a system failed. In reality, only countries with a powerhouse at the top in a centralised position can ever wield the true power of Socialism.

What do I mean by that? Well, beyond the dangled carrot perspective of Socialism, the government seeks to take control over the entire private sector and gain control over all the resources, including technology and energy. As it gains more power, it moves closer to the extreme left. Yet, it is a cold system of power that needs another system of power running in tandem with it, such as capitalism or communism.

It ultimately does not matter what the secondary system is. As long as there is a centralised and concentrated system of power that the core that has control over all wealth and resources, then true Socialism can function as a full system that seeks to take control over everything and all people, including their private lives.

With Capitalism, this is achieved by creating a system where food and essentials are rented. Under communism, a system of credits is used instead to acquire food and essentials. Either system will have credits allocation because of the leading Socialist element, but how these are used are decided by those in higher positions of power.

Now, there is a reason why the world has been conditioned to hate China and always seem the country in a negative life from a single snapshot in history; its actually very simple really. People need to think critically to understand what exactly China are doing when they restricted certain social media platforms, and banned certain things within the country.

If we really bothered to pay attention to what is being banned in the wider scheme of things and how negatively that has impacted the world in the modern context, we would start to form an understanding of why China has banned or blocked them. In short, they are banned or blocked because they are tools of division and turning people against each other; these are now clearly being used to stir up hatred against China, in the form of a many waves of relentless lies and propaganda mixed with misinformation.

I know already that the greatest evil in the world is actually Socialism. The system of power that pretends to create equality and help those who need help, whilst requiring a strict set of principles as to why a person should get what people believe are free benefits or healthcare. Yet, nothing is actually free and is actually provided by the tax payer.

Now that the ugly head of Socialism has been revealed, we start to see the government getting heavy handed with those who request benefits, as they force them to continuously provide evidence of why they need benefits, and why they have not already found work. Healthcare is going the same way in my country too, as people are being profiled and then rejected for various treatments as they are deemed to be a waste of NHS resources; or people are being asked to pay for certain services.

Chinese people live in harmony with all other races, cultures and nationalities. Despite the moral decline in China and many countries in the world, China still has that stable element within its societies. Therefore, it easier to form connections within communities as there are no barriers between different types of people like there are in the West that would otherwise prevent it, or cause conflicts.

In fact, in many places in many countries in the world, communities have failed completely. Many people are in their own world and don’t care about the local communities. Many seem to avoid making contact with their neighbours and people are not always friendly.

Some people would state that people work during the day in certain areas and there just isn’t any time to be part of a community. However, as I have already witnessed with Indians and Chinese people who equally work very hard, they make more of an effort than any of the Caucasian, or other cultures and races.

From everything that I am seeing, I understand more than ever why the world has been taught to hate China. Simply put, the Western world has been manipulated and steered for many centuries to create a one world, one culture, one religion, one gender, one race, and one world government. China and Chinese culture is and always has been in opposition to that. Most Chinese are Buddhists and wish to live in harmony with others around them, it’s not part of their culture to force others to be like them or to accept their culture or way of life. Have you ever seen a Chinese hate preacher, or a Chinese person seeking to indoctrinate people into their belief system as you see in all the Abrhamic religions?

I hope people were able to learn something from what I have written here today. It’s very important that we as a people respect one another and live in harmony along side others without trying to force our way of life onto others.

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